Friday, 3 April 2015

If you could...

  1. Travel anywhere, where would it be? I can't choose, there are so many places I really want to visit. I guess it would probably be Thailand. I've read The Beach by Alex Garland and The Backpacker by John Harris and I loved learning about the culture and the backpacker atmosphere out there.
  2. Meet anyone, who would it be? As crazy as she is, i'd love to spend the day with Miley Cyrus. I can imagine that a day with her would be pretty hard to forget!
  3. Bring anyone dead back to life, who would it be? I'm a pretty big believer in 'everything happens for a reason' and if I had the choice of bringing someone back, I don't think I would. But if I had to choose, it would be my Grandma Anne, she died before I was born and I feel slightly cheated that I never got the chance to meet her.
  4. Be anyone for a day, who would it be? I absolutely worship the ground Jennifer Lawrence walks on. She's such an inspirational and hilarious woman. It would be brilliant to be her for a day.
  5. Get anything for free for the rest of your life, what would it be? Soap and Glory everything.
  6. Change one thing about your life, what would it be? Sometimes I think it would have been cool to apply to University in America. Going by the movies they seem to have way more fun, but it might be different in real life. Hopefully I can do a semester abroad.
  7. Have any superpower, what would it be? Ever since I was little I have always wanted to fly.
  8. Be any animal for a day, which would you be? A dolphin, I love swimming.
  9. Date anyone, who would it be? Zac Efron.
  10. Change one thing about the world, what would it be? I'd eliminate either cancer or war.
  11. Live in any fictional universe, which would you choose? Harry Potter. Without a doubt.
  12. Eliminate one of your human needs, which one would you get rid of? Going to the toilet. It's just so boring and unnecessary.
  13. Change one thing about your physical appearance, what would it be? Everyone who knows me knows my immediate answer to this question.
  14. Change one of your personality traits, which would you choose? I suppose I wish I was less selfish. I'm, not massively selfish, but sometimes when someone is talking to me I just find myself getting bored with what they're saying. Maybe I just need to listen more.
  15. Be talented at anything instantly, what would you choose? Cooking (i'm really bad).
  16. Forget one event from your life, which would you choose? I wouldn't want to erase anything really. I don't have any regrets with things I have done in the past. "Don't regret the past, because at that moment in time, it's exactly what you wanted to do". I don't know who wrote that but remembering it time and time again makes me happier.
  17. Erase an event from history, which would you choose? 911.
  18. Change one law in your country, which would you change? Anyone who has been in the car with me whilst i've been behind the wheel knows about my road rage. It just really grinds my gears when people drive right up close to the back of my car, fail to indicate, drive incredibly slow on a fast road and hog lanes. And that's just the start of my driving pet hates. If I could, i'd make a law so that everyone has to re take their driving test every 10 years.
  19. Have any job in the world, which would you choose? I'd love to be an actress.
  20. Have anything appear in your pocket right now, what would it be? A plane ticket to travel the world.
If anyone else has or has had a go at this, send me a link below!

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