Monday, 27 April 2015

Rambling post #3: Dream big.

For as long as I can remember one of my biggest dreams has been to be a published author. When I was little I used to write short stories in this little book that I made, and I even illustrated the pages and designed my front cover. As a kid I was very imaginative and these stories would just erupt from my pen without even having to think about it.
Now i'm an adult, it gets harder. I still want to write a book one day, I just have absolutely no idea what to write about. I've seen interviews with some of my favourite authors like John Green and Michael Grant, and they all pretty much say the same thing.
"Write about what you know".
I've read book reviews where the critic has criticized the author for writing about something a little out of their depth. I think to be able to write about something, you need to fully understand it first, even if it takes extensive research.
I always loved how authors like J.K.Rowling, J.R.R.Tolkien, Michael Grant and Suzanne Collins created their own worlds like Panem and Middle Earth with their own rules and characters. This is the kind of book i'd love to write, I just can't think of an imaginative universe that I can create. Maybe one day I will be able to when I've experienced a little more of the world. But as of right now, I don't think this is the right path.
However, recently I sort of had a bit of a brain wave and came up with a main theme and possible name of a novel I could start writing. I'm not going to tell you what it will be about, because that would be too nice and a b it of a spoiler. It's still just an idea brewing in my mind, and if I become more and more sure that it will work, you will find things out.

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