Monday, 30 March 2015

10 Things in 10 Years.

I know it's probably the most hated cliche in the entire world, but we do only live once. I'm determined to make my time on this planet worthwhile. To help me along with this, i've devised a list of objectives i'd like to complete by the time i'm 30. As I turn 21 in August, I really only have just over 9 years.
  1. Visit the 7 wonders of the Modern World: Taj Mahal, India - The Great Pyramid, Egypt - Colusseum, Rome - Chichen Itza, Mexico - Great Wall of China, China - Christ The Redeemer, Brazil - Machu Picchu, Peru - Petra, Jordan.
  2. Get a dog: I've wanted one my entire life but my mum hates them.
  3. Watch all of the Harry Potter films in one day: I never said I had a life.
  4. Confront a fear or two: Skydive/hold a spider/shark cage etc.
  5. Get fit: Something I have been trying to do for the past 10 years.
  6. Read more: It sounds a bit boring, but reading is supposed to make you more intelligent. I've already made a pretty good start on this one.
  7. Go out more with friends: I'm getting far too lazy in my old age.
  8. Be more adventurous and spontaneous: I need to stop making excuses to not do things.
  9. Have my own space: I'm ridiculously excited to have my own apartment or house and make it my own.
  10. Order a drink in Starbucks with a ridiculous name: This is something i've always wanted to do, but never had the balls to do it..
If i've even attempted half of these in 10 years, i'll be pretty damn happy.

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