Well. If you've seen the finale, then i'm pretty sure you're feeling the same emotions as me; shocked, confused, happy, lost, sad, angry... It certainly was the most rollercoaster-ish episode.
A season that started off pretty slow and had a very gradual build up through 8 episodes ended with 2 epic installments.
First was Battle of the Bastards. Finally seeing justice come to Ramsey through no other than Sansa Stark was exactly what we all needed. But the question still remains - does Sansa have his bun in the oven? There have been plenty of theories to suggest this, however it looks like season 7 (April 2017) will either confirm or dispute this one. Upon finishing this episode, i'm sure a lot of us were left thinking "how on earth can they top that next week?".
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"You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well." |
The Winds of Winter, ie, best episode ever. It answered a lot of our questions, but also left a few out to keep us guessing for next season (this is brilliant yet also extremely infuriating). The many theories about Jon Snow's true parentage finally came to light, thanks to Bran Stark, and looks like the theories were true. Although we don't hear the name 'Rhaegar Targaeryen', we didn't really need to. So what does this mean if Jon is a Targaeryen? Danaerys is his Aunt? So much for that romance we were all hoping for. There's also the theory that Tyrion is also Targaeryen, which i'm not going into detail about because we could be here forever, here's a link to the theory of the '3 heads of the dragon'.
Let's not forget possibly Cersei's bitchiest moment in GoT history; blowing up the Sept with the High Sparrow, Queen Margaery and Loras inside. I think we were all glad to be shot of the High Sparrow, but slightly gutted the Tyrell siblings are gone. Everyone loves to hate Cersei. And the smirk on her face as she watches the Sept burn says it all; she is pure evil. Especially after what she did next. Poor King Tommen, upon witnessing the death of his wife, decides to take his life. After learning about her son's death, I felt Cersei didn't look too upset to see her last child die. Maybe she's just used to it now, we all know she doesn't have a heart anyway. But then she takes the throne. And is crowned Queen. As Jaime watches looking pretty disgusted with his sister/lover's actions. Finally he sees the light.
Now the real MVP of this episode has to go to Arya Stark getting her revenge on Walder Frey for the Red Wedding. I don't think i've ever cheered so loud at my TV before. She completely owned that scene. Plus, if she's at The Twins, then she isn't too far from Winterfell and being re-united with her brother and sister.
Speaking of Winterfell, Jon Snow being declared King in the North was finally a good turn for him, but what happens if everyone finds out who his parents are? He's still Stark blood, but sadly isn't Ned's.
Finally, like a lot of finales, we end with Danaerys looking boss as hell. FINALLY making her way to Westeros in a fleet of ships with her dragons by her side (I mean it's only taken her 6 seasons?!). This perfectly sets up season 7 for Dany's long anticipated take over.
Down point of the episode: does Varys have a teleporter that no one knows about?
All in all it took a while for this season to get going, but the final 2 episodes definitely did not disappoint. With everything set to kick off in season 7, i'm just gutted we have to wait 10 months. However i'm sure it will be worth the wait.
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