Wednesday, 4 November 2015


So here I am, procrastinating from my first University deadline of the semester with less than a week to go to get this essay done. So naturally, this is the time I decide to get a blog post written as I haven't in a while! I can't believe it's November already. It's nearly my favourite time of year and I almost can't contain my excitement! But we're not there yet. Here's what I got up to in the hallowed month of October.

I met Nick Frost! Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead are among mine and my boyfriend's favourite films and when I saw that Nick was doing a signing at my local Waterstones I didn't hesitate to get me and James tickets.

I LOVE fancy dress and will pretty much use any excuse to dress up, so when my bestie Charlotte invited us all to her house for a pre Halloween party, I couldn't wait to make my costume.

My sister went as a zombified Sleeping Beauty and she also looked pretty awesome.
I wore a long black skirt and black top, with a long black cloak that my mum made for my sister when she dressed up at the Woman In Black a few years ago. I bought the horns from a fancy dress store and put in light green contact lenses.

My Maleficent make up!
(Please excuse the emoji's on my head they were not part of my costume)
I then made the staff out of white piping and stuck a polystyrene ball on top, then covered the whole thing in black tape. I did the make up myself, sprayed my hair black and then I was good to go!

Everybody's pumpkins! I think from this picture it's pretty obvious that my friends and I are massive Disney fans.

Close up of my pumpkin! Maleficent the dragon!
October is always a pretty hectic month for me. Those of you that know me well know i'm a dance teacher from February - October every year, with the annual show taking place in October half-term. This usually makes me slightly busy, but since this year I was actually in the show too, this made me very busy. On top of that I was working 2 days a week and at Uni for 4 other days. It's a good job this only goes on for a month because if it did any longer, i'd have probably had a mental breakdown.
My oldest group practicing their lift before opening night!
We had some amazing feedback about this years show and i'm so proud of everyone that helped and took part. It got pretty stressful at times but all in all I had such an amazing week performing and it sounds like the kids did too!

Interval madness.
That's all that really happened last month. Pretty much most of my time was spent preparing for halloween and the show so I didn't really have time for anything else. This month i'm going to Rome so my next monthly round up post will be a little more exciting!

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