Saturday, 28 November 2015

Rambling Post #6: I'm actually terrified.

Recently whenever people have been asking me about moving to Australia they usually ask "how excited are you?!", and don't get me wrong, I really can't wait to go, but i'm also absolutely terrified.
I've never lived away from home before so going from my comfort zone in Leeds with all of my family and friends around me, to the other side of the world where I know absolutely no one makes me a little anxious. Knowing that I won't have my parents as a safety net whilst i'm out there is probably what scares me the most. But that's life. I've got to leave them at some point. I think i'm not that good at making friends, it always just happens by a happy accident. I'm not the kind of person to put myself out there in a new group of people and i'm actually pretty quiet when i'm getting to know people. It's only when i'm comfortable with someone that you start to realise i'm actually quite loud and never shut up.
Then there's the snakes. And spiders. And crocodiles. I've been watching I'm A Celebrity this year and every time I see one of the huge spiders it just reminds me that they're probably just a typical 'house spider' over there. I can deal with the usual British 50p sized spideys but hell naw to the spiders down under. I think the first things I will buy when I get there is a fly swat and a shit load of bug spray.
I feel like i've lived in my comfort zone for 21 years now and it's about time I did something that scares me, because staying in my comfort zone isn't going to get me anywhere.
But yeah, growing up and doing scary things sucks, but moving 10,053 miles away is also hella exciting.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Rambling post #5: Be yourself.

During High School, and even into 6th Form and the beginning of University, I had a pathological fear of what everyone thought about me. Throughout the years it started to get a bit ridiculous: I would be getting dressed for the day and I would be choosing what to wear judging it on what the people I would be seeing that day would think of it. I know it's important to take pride in your appearance, and I do (most of the time), but this obsession was rapidly becoming unhealthy.
I'd start to change my opinions about things in discussions with friends just so I didn't sound weird or different to everyone else. "You like Dubstep?! Me too!" Bullshit.
I know it sounds unbelievably cheesy and too much of a clichΓ©, but it's true when they say to be happy you need to be yourself, and it's only been recently that i've been doing this and i've realised just how relaxed and happy I am as a result.
There are people in the world that are going to judge you no matter what. It's taken me 21 years to realise that if people are going to judge me anyway, i'm at least going to get judged for the things that make me happy. Live your life for yourself. If you obsess over making others happy, what happens to you? Who cares what anyone else thinks? Why do their opinions matter?
I feel that when you reach your twenties you need to be selfish and do things for you. I need to start living my life for myself and no one else. Don't get me wrong, I don't exactly want to make people miserable whilst i'm loving life.
I'm always going to be one of those people who cares about others. I'm just going to be someone who doesn't really give a rats ass about anyones opinion anymore.
All I want is in 70 odd years (fingers crossed), I can look back and not regret a thing.

Friday, 6 November 2015

G'Day Mate!

So i've been keeping this quiet on social media until now (i've pretty much told everyone I know in person though, I was too excited to keep it to myself).


People i've told have been like, "erm what where the hell did this come from?"
But in February 2016 i'll be moving to Melbourne COMPLETELY BY MYSELF to study at Victoria University until June.

Honestly, i'm absolutely terrified. Australia has always been that one place that i've always said i'll never go on holiday (you know, spiders etc), but when I got nominated by my current University to go here, who the hell would say no?! I've never done anything this big before and it's probably the most terrifying and brave thing I will ever do, yet funnily enough, I can't wait!
I still can't believe that I will be calling this place home in 3 months.
If i'm completely honest, the thing i'm most excited for is decorating my new room.
I feel kind of ready for a fresh start. It's not that i'm upset with anything here in England, I'm perfectly happy, I've just never done anything as exciting as this and I can't wait to meet a bunch of new people.

But don't worry, i'll still be keeping you updated on all of my adventures whilst i'm over there! (That's if I have any). My course leader told me last week that whilst I usually take 3 modules and have 2 assignments per module at Leeds Beckett, at Victoria i'll be studying 4 modules with 4 assignments per module. Goodbye social life. The positive is that the grades I get whilst on Study Abroad don't count towards my degree, so all I have to do is pass. Brings a teensy bit of pressure to this semester though, now all my Semester 1 assignments count for my whole second year.

I'm hopefully signing on to this International Orientation trip before the semester starts in Melbourne, Basically all the international students go on a trip for 3 days and we learn to surf, visit a zoo and go on some sort of hike (ew).

My plan for the Easter Holidays (if I can afford it and if it can be done), is to go to Sydney for the first week and climb the Harbour Bridge and go see something at the Opera House, maybe try and find where Dance Academy was filmed. Then for the second week I want to fly over to New Zealand and go see where Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit was filmed. Then at some point in all of the madness, i'm going to grow a pair (i'm terrified of sharks) and go snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef (my GoPro will be perfect for this!).

So there you have it. Probably the biggest news I will ever have (until I eventually get to the proper adulty stuff like babies etc. But that is a loooong while off).

Wednesday, 4 November 2015


So here I am, procrastinating from my first University deadline of the semester with less than a week to go to get this essay done. So naturally, this is the time I decide to get a blog post written as I haven't in a while! I can't believe it's November already. It's nearly my favourite time of year and I almost can't contain my excitement! But we're not there yet. Here's what I got up to in the hallowed month of October.

I met Nick Frost! Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead are among mine and my boyfriend's favourite films and when I saw that Nick was doing a signing at my local Waterstones I didn't hesitate to get me and James tickets.

I LOVE fancy dress and will pretty much use any excuse to dress up, so when my bestie Charlotte invited us all to her house for a pre Halloween party, I couldn't wait to make my costume.

My sister went as a zombified Sleeping Beauty and she also looked pretty awesome.
I wore a long black skirt and black top, with a long black cloak that my mum made for my sister when she dressed up at the Woman In Black a few years ago. I bought the horns from a fancy dress store and put in light green contact lenses.

My Maleficent make up!
(Please excuse the emoji's on my head they were not part of my costume)
I then made the staff out of white piping and stuck a polystyrene ball on top, then covered the whole thing in black tape. I did the make up myself, sprayed my hair black and then I was good to go!

Everybody's pumpkins! I think from this picture it's pretty obvious that my friends and I are massive Disney fans.

Close up of my pumpkin! Maleficent the dragon!
October is always a pretty hectic month for me. Those of you that know me well know i'm a dance teacher from February - October every year, with the annual show taking place in October half-term. This usually makes me slightly busy, but since this year I was actually in the show too, this made me very busy. On top of that I was working 2 days a week and at Uni for 4 other days. It's a good job this only goes on for a month because if it did any longer, i'd have probably had a mental breakdown.
My oldest group practicing their lift before opening night!
We had some amazing feedback about this years show and i'm so proud of everyone that helped and took part. It got pretty stressful at times but all in all I had such an amazing week performing and it sounds like the kids did too!

Interval madness.
That's all that really happened last month. Pretty much most of my time was spent preparing for halloween and the show so I didn't really have time for anything else. This month i'm going to Rome so my next monthly round up post will be a little more exciting!

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Rambling post #4: Writers block.

Here I am attempting to complete my first assignment for my second year at University. It's due in on Monday and I currently have 138 out of 2,500 words written.
Back in 6th Form and even First Year I could whack out a decent essay in 1 or 2 days, this doesn't seem to be the case.
This essay was set in my PR module around 4 weeks ago, which was 2 weeks into the semester at Uni. This raised the question, "how can they expect me to write an essay on a subject I have never before studied in my life?".
As a result, I left it for a couple of weeks until I had been to a few lectures and seminars to familiarise myself with the subject. I'm a little more clued up to the subject, so why am I still sat here with only 138 words of an introduction?
I'm not usually one to stress or get upset about school or Uni work, but theres a first time for everything. This is definitely stressing me out. Big time.
Usually once I have the basic gist figured out and I have something to start on, it just flows out of me. This time i've written and re-written the essay plan at least 6 times, and it's pretty difficult to write about something when you're not even sure what you want to say.
I'm hoping i'll have an epiphany soon or a textbook will fall and open on the exact page that I need for inspiration, but right now, there is absolutely nothing working in my brain.
If anyone has any tips on writers block, it would be greatly appreciated.
Also if you made it this far, thanks for listening to me whinge.