I realise i've been a bit AWOL recently. It wasn't intended, i've just been suffering a little bit of writers' block! To tr and get the creative juices flowing, I found this idea for a post on Tumblr, which will hopefully get me some inspiration for some more blog posts. In the meantime, enjoy reading about my favourite things!
- Place - The villa we always stay in in Mallorca. It feels like home now.
- Person - My sister.
- Colour - Purple.
- Food - PIZZA.
- Smell - The seaside. Or pizza.
- Book - Harry Potter.
- Movie - Jurassic Park.
- Music Artist - Freddie Mercury. Duh.
- Genre of music - Indie/Rock.
- Magazine - Heat (From London of course)
- Time of day - Definitely the evening. Mornings aren't that great for me.
- Day of the week - Saturday.
- Thing to do when bored - Blog/dance.
- Celebrity - Jennifer Lawrence.
- Class in school - Media.
- Drink - Malibu and Coke. I could literally drink this all day long. And I have. It didn't end very well.
- Animal - Dolphin.
- Flower - Rose.
- Time in history - I loved learning about the Ancient Egyptians in Primary School. I used to be able to write letters fluently in hieroglyphics without having to check.
- TV Show - FRIENDS.
- Sound - The sea/the rain.
- Fruit - Strawberries.
- Vegetable - Ew.
- Store/shop - Waterstones.
- Article of clothing - My black ripped jeans from Topshop.
- Workout - Eating.
- Quote - "Listen, smile, agree. Then do whatever the fuck you were going to do anyway." - Robert Downey Jr.
- Potato chip flavor - BBQ.
- Meal of the day - Dinner.
- Ice Cream Flavor - Phish Food (Ben & Jerry's).
- Soda - Fanta Fruit Twist.
- Popcorn flavor - Toffee.
- Season - Summer.
- Word - Bubble.
- Disney Princess - Ariel.
- Insult - Complete imbecile.
- Letter - A of course.
- YouTube channel - Tom Fletcher (McFly).
- Eye color - Blue.
- Memory - When I finally swam with dolphins in Cancun a couple of years ago.
- Dessert - Anything with chocolate.
- Candy - Again, chocolate.
- Restaurant - TGI Fridays!
- Language - Spanish.
- Thing about yourself - I guess I quite like my personality.
Leave a link below if you have answered these questions too! And if you have any tips on beating writers' block - please let me know!