Tuesday 26 January 2016


Fancy header for the first time ooo.
So the first month of 2016 is over already. I feel like this year is going to absolutely fly by!

I brought in the New Year celebrating with my family and friends playing beer pong and drinking a lot.
That was fun, but on the night of 1st January, it was my leaving do for work. I chose to leave before Christmas and New Year so I could spend as much time as possible with all my family and friends before I move to Melbourne in February. I also had exams so needed every hour I could get to revise!
It all seemed to go very quick, one minute we were playing Cards Against Humanity and beer pong, then the next I had my head down the toilet and was put to bed. Shout out to Viv for looking after me in my own house. What a babe. Despite crashing mid-party, I still had a great time like I always do with my work pals.

Everyone else enjoying themselves with Singstar after i'd gone to bed!
About a week later, it was my best friend Mary's 21st birthday which was brilliant because I saw some friends that I hadn't seen in a while. We all pretty much just spent the night dancing to some golden oldies and had such a good time.

The next week or so was a bit dull as I had exams and assignments to focus on, but on the glorious day of 20th January, I had my last payday from LEGO and had my last exam. Naturally, it was time to celebrate with alcohol. Me, my friend Sian and her friend Rob went out (which was my first night out in town in months!). We had such a good time and even bumped into quite a few of the girls from our course which was nice.

As my bestie, Tom, can't make it to my Bon Voyage bash in February, I went to go visit him in Leicester where he goes to Uni. That evening we started the pre drinks with a classic game of Never Have I Ever. We then started playing the Zoella drinking game which was ridiculous. Tom had drunk a lot by this point and took himself off the the loo for a chunder. After he had (sort of) recovered, we got our stuff together and went out to a club called Mosh. I'm not usually a massive fan of going out to town, but I really enjoyed myself this time. if i'm somewhere where I recognise a lot of the songs then i'll be happy for hours. They played all sorts; Dance Wiv Me, Saturday Night (we did the full routine), Be Faithful, S&M, Star Girl, Year 3000, Mysterious Girl... I could go on and on. All in all I had a really good night, but it was very sad the morning after when I left to go back to Leeds - I won't see Tom until I come back from Australia now #bye.

Just about the only decent selfie we managed to get that night!

Another best pal, Charlotte, came to sleep over after she'd spent the week at Disneyland Paris (jealous!). We decided to have a complete Disney night and watched Big Hero 6, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Treasure Planet and The Princess and the Frog. Nothing better than a bit of Disney.

Yet again we had another leaving do for someone at LEGO, and this time we took to the karaoke microphones in Tiger Tiger. After screeching to My Hump, Keep On Moving, Summer of '69 and Breaking Free, we went back to my friend Aaron's house for yet another game of Cards Against Humanity...then we all pretty much fell asleep after a very difficult game of I-Spy.

Looking back on this month i'm realising now that I have been drinking a lot. I'd say maybe I need a detox but with me moving to the other side of the world next month, that is most definitely not going to happen.

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